About Us

Business Hours
Monday thru Friday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Weekend: Saturday sick appointments only. Please call between 8:30am and 9:00 am to schedule.

We encourage parents to schedule their next health maintenance appointment at the time of checkout.
If you are scheduling by phone, please do so at least 4 to 8 weeks in advance. You may also log onto our Patient Portal and send the office a scheduling request for routine physicals.This is especially true if you have specific requests such as an evening appointment, or you wish to see one particular provider.
Please do not make an appointment for one child and then, when you arrive ask that another child be seen. Please call in advance for an additional appointment.
We request that you arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to sign in, complete the necessary paperwork, and meet with a medical assistant before seeing a provider.

To learn more about our medical providers and staff, click here
Insurance Information
For insurance and payment information, click here​
Meadowbrook Pediatrics, P.C. is located in Suite 320 in the Holy Redeemer Medical Office Building at 1650 Huntingdon Pike, Meadowbrook, PA. Get directions by clicking here