Illness & Fever
The following are a few warning signs of severe illness. Just because your child has one or more of these signs doesn’t necessarily mean a severe illness is present. But it could be. So call us if you note any of the following danger signs:
If your new baby develops a fever (temperature of 100.4 F rectally or higher) call the office. In babies, the rectal temperature is simplest and most accurate to take. First lubricate the bulb of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. Then place the baby on his tummy. With your thumb and index finger, spread the baby’s buttocks and insert the tip of the thermometer with your free hand. Remove the thermometer after 1 minute.
To lower his temperature, give him acetaminophen, and extra liquids such as water. If the fever is very high, sponge the baby off with water that’s at room temperature (about 78 degrees F), or bathe for 20 to 30 minutes. Do not use alcohol; it could chill your child. Ice baths should never be used.
Call your pediatrician if a high fever persists, if symptoms suggest sore throat or earache, if a young child or infant is particularly irritable or listless, or if fluid intake seems inadequate.
The incidence of convulsions with fever is small. If you suspect a convulsion, do not be alarmed. They are almost always brief and do not cause long-term damage. Be sure the airway is clear and call the pediatrician.
Never give aspirin to a child at any time unless specifically prescribed by a physician.

Temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher in a newborn under (2 months of life)
Vomiting, not just spitting up
Refusal to take feedings
No energy
Diarrhea, especially if there’s mucus, blood or an unusually bad smell
Hard crying with no obvious cause
Inability to see or hear normally
Unusual rash