Skin & Eyes
Some babies have little white dots on their noses. They’re called milia and go away without treatment. One of the most common newborn rashes is newborn acne, which disappears in 6 to 8 weeks. It’s helpful to wash the area with a mild soap once or twice daily. Don’t apply oils, lotions or creams; they only worsen the problem.
Dry, peeling skin is also very normal. A gentle non-fragranced moisturizer (Aquaphor or Eucerin) may be applied several times a day.
Many babies look slightly cross-eyed at birth. Usually, this is caused by muscles that are temporarily out of balance. Also, the wide skin area that babies have across the nose can make the eyes look crossed when they’re not. Crossed eyes generally correct themselves by the end of the first year.
Some babies have yellow drainage and perhaps redness or swelling of the eyes in the first week of life, but by keeping the eyes clean, the condition clears up without treatment. This is done with warm, wet cotton balls four times a day.
The Soft Spot
The soft spot or fontanelle is a diamond shaped area on the top of your baby's head over which the bone plates of the skull have not yet grown. The presence of this area allows the five bone plates of the skull to slide over each other as the head moves down the birth canal.
After birth, these bone plates may still be overlapping forming ridges on the scalp. As the head grows after birth, these ridges will disappear and the soft spot will become progressively smaller. The soft spot will go away completely between 12 and 24 months of age. You will not hurt your child by touching the soft spot or even by scrubbing it vigorously at bath time.
Salmon Patches
The most common birthmark is called a SALMON PATCH or "stork bite". These red patches are usually found on the eyelids, the center of the forehead, and the nape of the neck. They can also be found on the top of the head, on the nose and upper lip, or even on the back. The patches are made up of tiny blood vessels which will blanch if you press on them. They usually fade during the first few years of life. An occasional adult may still have a salmon patch, especially on the nape of the neck.